Creating the right environment for the years to come

Gain speed and quality in trade is the foremost target of present Indian government and it is achieving this with a fast pace. Ocean freight is already a successful sector over there but air cargo needs to be developed and matured to meet the global standard of protecting the passenger as well as the cargo and same goes for the trade side.

India has become one of the fastest growing aviation markets with good pace for four years now. There is no area where this country has not shown its expertise and it has really raised itself from nothing to everything.

From the trade point of view every mode combine to make a successful whole, emphasizing any negativity and get a solution for it really helps to make a bright future.

Government supports any step taken towards the betterment. A policy is underway for getting the most out of technology for security and other purposes.

Technology cannot work alone

This is true, develop a brilliant technology and hand it over to a non-compatible person and see how it gets destroyed in no time. Technology really aids in getting solutions for many problems but a well-trained person needs to control it otherwise it will be useless.

The main goal of the upcoming policy is to avail the best team for the advancement of personal security of a passenger and security of luggage. With the present set up it is difficult to ensure the above two.

With the growth of passengers, the risk also grows

It is true that it is good for the business that the number of people travelling by air has increased, but with it, the security concerns have also increased. More the passengers, more advanced system is needed to keep a check on safety.

So the new policy will be to keep the growth rate increasing further and with it, other aspects also get an update so as to keep the healthy environment alive for years to come.

But again using the best of technology with the best mind is stressed over here also. Many things have to combine to create a strong policy and then to imply it also.

The Civil Aviation Minister pointed out that it will be an interesting task to create such a plan.

The cost-effective way

Use of the right technology means there will be less to pay and more to gain. This means that you do not have to spend again and again to purchase equipment necessary for different procedures especially the security checking.

The already formulated system can do it instead with less money to spend. The Minister also said that maybe they will use drones for separate purposes to keep an eye on what is happening on the ground.

But even if they are going to use this technology still it has to be synchronized with many more things to make it fruitful for the purpose. It should also be fool proof if the real target has to be achieved.